Angels follow us and try to contect us in following ways…

Do you believe in Angels!!!


“Yes” I do believe them…they follow us where ever we go on planet from the day we were born till our last breath.we all have our own guardian angel..before discussing how angels talk to us let’s clear that do you have gut feelings that they are tuned to your inner child,they can hear you and are far more intelligent then our human body else souls…just wanted to share my personal experience…since last few months I feel as if angels are leaving one or the other messages…the presence of angelic force’s, may be because my energy centers “Chakra” are active…Have you ever felt like you were in the presence of angels or that an angel may be trying to communicate with you? As I said i obey my inner child first then write…Angelic guidance  can be including channeled messages, dreams and direct insight. It can also come more subtly. Angels are constantly drawing our attention towards signs and they will leave you with clues that will guide you in the right direction. It’s very possible that you were and you didn’t even know it..Sometimes, these signs may seem small at first, but can increase in frequency when they are focused on, acknowledged and appreciated. If you want to start noticing the presence or guidance of angels and begin to connect with them, one of the best things you can do is increase your present moment awareness of them…Like in Reiki healing we call upon angelic force’s to guide us, protect us and heal us.. You can only do this by knowing some of the common signs to look out for. Are you ready to tap into the angel realm? Here are six amazing ways angels speak to you every day.

1) Through Your Body


When you’re in the presence of angels, you may feel your body temperature suddenly changing. You may get the chills, feel particularly cold or feel a tingle or pressure in your head or the back of your neck. This change may also come in the form of a warm glowing light around you. This typically isn’t an uncomfortable feeling either. In that moment, it will feel normal. There is no need to be afraid when this happens. This experience is a validation that angels are with you. They also connect through sights, sounds and smells. Have you ever noticed a particular smell, shape or sound and have been unable to identify the source? This may show up in the form a lovely sweet scent or a ringing in your ear. Because we often question our 6th sense, they send us messages through various sights, sounds and smells. Seeing angel shapes in the clouds, sparks of lights and flickering lamps are also signs that angels are near. This often occurs as confirmation of your intuition. The scents of roses or flowers are often a sign that angels are around to help calm you in a particular time of need. If you notice a rainbow, this is also a sign that your angels are bringing encouragement and approved from heaven.

2) Through Voices


Not everyone “hears” angelic voices as an audio sound. Many people receive divine messages through nonverbal means such as visions or feelings, but there are some who do. Have you ever received a message in your mind, or heard a voice whispered to you that seems to appear out of thin air, you may be receiving guidance from angels. Hearing the guidance of your angels is a wonderful sign of their presence, and often occurs when you are in need of comfort, reassurance or angelic guidance. If you hear a faint voice and wonder what it said, ask the angels to repeat their message. They want to deliver clear and understandable guidance.

3) Through Song


Angels often communicate through music and song. Music is a universal language and they use song to convey messages in various ways. The energy of our own house is been cleaned and This is often communicated through reoccurring songs. You may hear the same song playing on the radio,TV, or your favorite music app and wonder why.??? This may be an angel trying to communicate with you, particularly if the songs have a similar theme. Lyrics might touch your intuitive feelings or a song might lift your spirits and reassure you that all will be well. It’s important that you pay attention to this guidance through music.

4)Through Light


Has a bright star in the sky ever caught your attention, to shine with a soft light seems to be moving off an object in an unusual way? These are all signs that angels are around you. An aura is a field of radiant light that emanates from an angel who is lit from within. People notice angel auras when angels appear on Earth. These auras manifest in different colors, depending on the frequency at which a particularly angel’s energy vibrates. Because angels are beings of light, another way they make their presence known is through sphere,globe,ball, or celestial body,unexplained to shine with a soft light that seems to be movingof light, or flashes of color. If you close your eyes and you still see the light, it’s highly probably that an angel is with you. Stop and breathe for a moment and allow their angelic presence to bring you healing and uplift you.

5) Through People


Another way angels bring us guidance is through people messengers. Angels are sent to us by God to deliver messages of encouragement and inspiration. They will use people in your life, or sometimes complete strangers to tell you exactly what you need to hear in that very moment. They often show us when you’re thinking about an issue or decision and need someone to guide you through it. Sometimes, a random person you meet will mention something that you desperately needed to hear or know, that you wouldn’t have otherwise heard had you not come across their path. If you are feeling divinely guided by someone, angels may be reaching out to you.

6) Through Numbers


Another way angels will attempt to get your attention and guide you is through numbers. Some people call them Angel Numbers. You may be sitting behind a car with a certain number combination on the license plate, or you seem to look at the clock every day at the same time. These numbers have specific meanings for you. If you are wondering what the point of seeing these numbers over and over again, think of the signs they leave us as an endless possibility for growth and transformation. What is important is for us to not only look for signs from the angels, but also be present and aware.


There are many angels around you that are here to help and guide you. It’s important that you know the signs of their presence if you want to be able to hear them speaking to you. Once you begin to tune into the signs from angels, and practice present moment awareness, you will become more conscious of your angels, and the guidance and assistance they have for you. If you notice any of these signs, be aware of the message they may be trying to send you. Once you are tuned you are registered in the golden book of Angels name…Angel dairy and the registration is divine indeed…

Images: from google

Author: Shri_

Welcome to my blog...myself shri, Namastey 🙏 Hie all ... its my pleasure to meet you all online. I love to read and reading helped me share my views with lovable souls on planet, I am a counsellor, tarot reader, face reader, and rekie channel...Presently a shiva yogi and big fan of Osho...My personal view is "Knowledge is that personality which enhances your beauty" So keep updating self and stay tuned to universe... Friendship is a language spoken by heart...And strangers here are pen friends...I am here to learn special unique ways of writing and reading imaginary, unique, creative, poetries of pure divine heart and short stories and daily experiences of all strangers yet to be friends on planet. Empty mind is devil's workshop so keep yourself busy, Silence speaks a lot and try to listen the unseen and pen down your views... Glad to see you all here...Frankly speaking, I am a new bigginner, I listen to my soul and obey my heart... Better late then never I heard my inner child I dare to post some of my slides...I heard and believe in Positive Whispers is a proven method that helps children around the globe overcome their emotional and behavioural challanges easily ... we are all child of as a newly born new comer in this platform I am trying to write down unique valuable thoughts...which is like maintaining a golden book...So I decided to share my positively positive energy with the one reading right now...To share is to care to care is to love so ...Here's angel healing to all of you... Sending unconditional love light peace healing miracles and hugs Stay blessed all (((❤)))

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