Inside Nirvana

Friday’s wisdom,

Hello All

We spend so much time fighting our thoughts and been to hard on our selves and forever worrying and thinking about what other people think.
My advice to you read this and keep reading it, let everybody sink in their own thoughts and start living your life the way you want to live it.
Be kind and think of your words before saying them.
People are lesson or blessing, people come and go.
Be kind to your self and others.
Live in the moment.
Always step forward not back.
Let crap go you can’t control everything.
Enjoy your Friday and remember to be kind to your self and others and fill your feel good jar.

Stay away from energy vampires

Focus on your actions not others

Pause before you respond

Protect your energy

Self and respect your boundaries

Invest in those who invest in you

share when you feel safe

actively listen and accept the same in return

Trust your instinct

Allow yourself to pull back when you need to





sending Unconditional Love Light Peace Healing Miracles and Hugs

Learn to Live

Author: Shri_

Welcome to my blog...myself shri, Namastey 🙏 Hie all ... its my pleasure to meet you all online. I love to read and reading helped me share my views with lovable souls on planet, I am a counsellor, tarot reader, face reader, and rekie channel...Presently a shiva yogi and big fan of Osho...My personal view is "Knowledge is that personality which enhances your beauty" So keep updating self and stay tuned to universe... Friendship is a language spoken by heart...And strangers here are pen friends...I am here to learn special unique ways of writing and reading imaginary, unique, creative, poetries of pure divine heart and short stories and daily experiences of all strangers yet to be friends on planet. Empty mind is devil's workshop so keep yourself busy, Silence speaks a lot and try to listen the unseen and pen down your views... Glad to see you all here...Frankly speaking, I am a new bigginner, I listen to my soul and obey my heart... Better late then never I heard my inner child I dare to post some of my slides...I heard and believe in Positive Whispers is a proven method that helps children around the globe overcome their emotional and behavioural challanges easily ... we are all child of as a newly born new comer in this platform I am trying to write down unique valuable thoughts...which is like maintaining a golden book...So I decided to share my positively positive energy with the one reading right now...To share is to care to care is to love so ...Here's angel healing to all of you... Sending unconditional love light peace healing miracles and hugs Stay blessed all (((❤)))

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